Saturday, November 12, 2016

Monsterbabe Central Update Nov 12, 2016

Checkout Monsterbabe Central


Tony Steel" gets a little mobility this week. Now that he's free to move around (the alien slave requested it) he's gonna do.. what? Guess we'll see. And the beating begins in "DEATHMATCH: Challenge". Shannon has her hands full with the big-boob bimbo from outer space. Literally! "Return to the Land of the Giants" is back and the mission commander gets a tough lesson in "giant diplomacy". >SQUISH<


The investigating team discovers what killed the missing crew in "
Charonte". And it wasn't natural causes. Cowardice and panic on display as the mystery is revealed! Another New Mexican babe meets her fate in "Return to Roswell" and "The Pizza Girl" is working for a BIG tip in this weeks short story! Then the haunting continues in "Haint" buried deep inside the "W.A.B.A.C. Machine".

Spooky doins..
Mike da Mutant